25 de febr. 2011

Proposta logo Helsinki vs3

Helsinki embraces European Athletics to organise and hold the Championship in 2012. Helsinki and sportspeople are together to become a heart.HELSINKI 2012, BEATS

Proposta logo Helsinki vs2

The flame of the fire becomes an unique road. Sportspeople are in the same
road, in the same race. Sportspeople have ambition to take up challenges, to
light the flame of the fire. Different roads with the same goal lead sportspeople
to Helsinki 2012. HELSINKI 2012, ONE GOAL

Proposta logo Helsinki

Helsinki 2012 is going to be the biggest event related to sport. The diversity
of cultures, nationalities, sportspeople and colours will become in a big life,
in the same life: the life of the European Athletics Championship. Helsinki
is beating by passion, by energy, by life, for participating in Helsinki 2012
European Athletics Championships. HELSINKI 2012, BEATS

24 de febr. 2011